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Burlington Elections 2014

headshot 4  If you are reading this, ( thank you ) you probably know that I am running for election in Ward 1 in Burlington.  I’m very excited about this opportunity to serve my community more completely.  I already do significant volunteer work but winning this election can allow me to do so much more.

What really has me shaking my head is that there will most likely be less people voting this year in Burlington.  Its not that there is less interest, or less worthy candidates.  Yes, there are always some people who put their names forward that are more focused on their specific agenda item than they are involved in what is going on around them generally, but that is to be expected.  There are today 27 registered candidates for the 6 Wards, in the last two elections there were 28 in each.  School Board Trustee candidates are at 17, while there were 20 ansarah grad with dadd 16 respectively in the last two elections.

So why am I concerned ? In each of the last 2 elections there were 5 candidates for the Mayors position.  As it stands as I write this today, in this election the Mayor will be acclaimed because nobody has put their name forward.

It doesn’t matter if you think that the Mayor has done a good job or a bad job, having a Mayor acclaimed will hurt voter turnout in the Wards.

The fact that NONE of the incumbent Councillors are going to take on the Mayor makes me think that at least those with more than 10 years at City Hall may be complacent.  Do they lack the vision, enthusiasm or energy ? or worst of all, are they just be happy to ride it out for as long as they can so they cSarah and Omaan collect that cheque every month ?

I want more from my City Councillors.  I deserve more.  On election day, cast your vote and demand fresh new leadership at City Hall.

Please visit my website at

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